Saturday, April 14, 2007

life jackets anyone!!??

eating chappatis which serve better as handfans,listening to teachers cracking "jokes" like "a plane is not a convex set,it has wings and flies",sleeping in classes and having nightmares in which algebra teacher sprouts two what do you call ems- (you know two horn shaped structures on top of the head) ....can life get better?

Hi and a happy new year and yeah this is N(formerly known as Nivedita) , an undersigned undergraduate stuck in the middle of nowwhere called SIPCOT IT park(yeah its park) where one gets to see great construction sites,bricks,cement and dust and cows(duh) and cowshit

I am in CMI(chennai mathematical institute) which unfortunately has theoritical physics also,and more unfortunately math students are expected to study physics in addition to math but then again,expectations are expectations and real life is real life..

Three main activities go on in CMI.One is playting ET(where people play this wrteched game called wolf,and shout "Oh.I am dead.Oh i am alive.Oh i dont know whether I am alive or dead") .The less blessed ones gang up together and crib about wolf,about the mess food,about profs and about life in general.And SPAM.Everyone spams everyone else...
There are quite a few innovative spammers who send mails like
"Hi this is not spam
This is not a spam
I dont think this is spam
this is an email

(making up short forms is also a pastime for quite a few.SFSTU btw means sorry for spamming the uninterested)

and it gets 10 replies the next minute and no points for guessing that CMites are jobless
but there are a few serious guys who haunt the library day and night and confuse proffessors out of their wits.

and general dinner table discussion topics are "lack of girls in cmi","marijuana isnt addictive" and sometimes ,...on rare occasions mundane things like assignments ,projects etc etc

That about it I guess,if you discount having great experiences of taking the town buses to and from the city ....oh yeah cancelling classes is a greta pastime ,if that doesnt happen,we bunk,and if that doesnt happen,the profs bunk

Exams next week , and we cant even convince the teachers to cancel them.. what a sad lot..
does anyone have life jackets??

nembutsu nembutsu nembutsu


Harshavardhan said...

ha ha!funny!wolf?

Unknown said...

Interesting post!

(Though I knew about everything except for the last three words of the post. :-) )

Ares said...

Still stuck to WOLF?!?!?! ;-D

Sujay S said...

u need a life jacket fr cmi? Miss N i invite u 2 mine :) nembustu! (btw wats dat?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

oh ta la la

Anonymous said...

better late than never is outdated but still :P

yeah wolf :P
nembutusu - is a buddhist chant for enlightnement which prevents one from making spelling errors like previous

oh ta la la?

Anonymous said...

its a song...
nembutsu?u have been enlightened..
plus i want to blog in this...
just ask those core team idiots to get on with it and enable it...

Anonymous said...


varsha said...

haha. Even cmi isn't above all the madness i see.

Nivedita said...

@me :
even cmi?
especially cmi

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.